Thursday, March 31, 2016

How To Make Your Own Antivirus in Few Minutes In just 3 Steps

Today I will help you know how to make your own Antivirus in few minutes in just three steps.
Many computer users always have this problem of virus on our computer system and sometimes we don’t have enough time to download or buy any best antivirus, this antivirus scan by using command prompt and delete unwanted files

Step (1) Open your Notepad 

Step (2) paste this given code below

@ echo off title Antivirus echo Antivirus echo created by your name :start if exist virus.bat goto infected if not exist virus.bat goto clean cd C:\Windows\system32 :infected echo warning virus detected del virus.bat pause goto start :clean echo System secure! pause exit 

Step (3) now save your file with Selfantivirus.bat and select "All files" now run your saved files automatically scan starts.

That’s all good luck


  1. wow its works thanks so much smartklass

  2. thanks for this its works on my system too


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